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independent living
on the autistic spectrum
Marla Comm: Poem on clothes
Written by a person with severe Asperger's Syndrome.
The Selfcare forum is, broadly, about taking care of yourself in an independent living situation. Topics often discussed include hygiène, shopping, laundry, household, exercise, and eating (e.g. diets).
Marla is middle-aged and has a severe case of Asperger's Syndrome, as well as
Tourette's Sydrome and ADHD. She'd appreciate reactions at
mcomm@total.net. Sadly, Marla passed away in 2008.
Michelle Dawson wrote a touching
Copyright © 1996 by Marla Comm. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction forbidden.
Over and over my mother complained
That what I was wearing was shabby and stained.
Some of the tee-shirts and pants that I wore
I had, I confess, for 10 years or more.
Not at all new, out of style they'd gone;
She screamed when she saw that I still had them on.
The colors, she told me, did not even go;
But how was a gal of my nature to know?
As for my shoes, they, too, were quite worn;
To Mother's dismay, they also were torn.
The socks that I had she hated as well;
She said they were daddy's, but I couldn't tell.
She should have been happy I wore them at all;
The days I wore none she could clearly recall.
She fumed when she saw that I carried a purse
That was ripped and that one must say looked even worse.
Come winter, the time when the weather grew cold
She found me in coats that were fifteen years old.
I have to admit that I simply don't care
Just about anything I'm apt to wear
With more urgent matters my mind is obsessed;
The least of my worries is how I am dressed.