Cassandra Elisabeth Dekker

born 25-Jun-2002, 21:42 CET

(Posted 20-Mar-2005) Martijn (31y, 2m) and Cassandra (2y, 9m)

Martijn and Cassandra

(Posted 30-Jul-2003) Cassandra at age 13 months, in the stroller.

Cassandra in stroller 1 Cassandra in stroller 2

(Posted 30-Jul-2003) Cassandra at her first birthday!

Cassandra standing and holding microwave door

(Posted 30-Jul-2003) Cassandra, 10 months old, eating a placemat. ;-)

Cassandra biting in placemat Cassandra studying placemat Cassandra with placemat licking spoon

(Posted 25-Mar-2003) On these pictures, taken two months ago, Cassandra is about 7 months old. She does not look much different today, except a little bigger and rounder. :-)

Cassandra & Martijn Cassandra & Marie

Passphoto of Cassandra This is a passphoto of Cassandra, taken in October 2002 (age 3 months). It's actually in my passport, in black and white. :-)
(Posted 05-Apr-2003)

And here are the early pictures, from around Cassandra's birth.

Before Woman power! Marie Strega still pregnant with Cassandra, a few days before the birth.

Cassandra & Marie Right after she was born, Cassandra already observed the world very attentively. Here she is reunited with Marie at age half an hour, after some birth complications had been dealt with.

Proud daddy Unfortunately Marie then needed to have the placenta manually removed and had to go under narcosis briefly, so the proud daddy got to enjoy his new daughter by himself for a while.

Cassandra in hospital bed All ended up well, although we did end up staying in the hospital for a few more days for observation. Here is Cassandra sleeping peacefully in a hospital crib with her first stuffed animal, given by my brother who still can't believe he's now an uncle.

(Posted 25 August 2003) I finally thought of adding Cassandra's first-ever picture to the collection! Age: minus 5 months and 10 days. Marie thought she looked like a little troll. :-)


More pictures follow later. In the mean time, I am very grateful to AviN who set up Cassandra's guestbook! What a great surprise that was. Feel free to sign it if you haven't already.

Last updated: 08-Apr-2005 | URL:
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